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+1 vote
asked Jan 6, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by dougwiora (130 points)
Like many others I am getting tired of waiting for my SL 32 control surface up date, but I LOVE this mixer, In April of 17 when I purchased it for some reason thinking it was everything I wanted I was really surprised when I wired it into my home studio firing it up to think it was broken. I quick call to Sweetwater Music and I learned of my mistake. I am still having problems with 4 of the scribble strips, but PreSouns support was very quick to respond and since I was tracking 3 different full length CD's at the time extended the repair window until I could get through the projects. I use this board 7 days a week, at least 10 hours a day and it doesn't let me down and often surprises me in all it is able to do. In June I converted all my tracks from PT to StudioOne and became even happier. PreSouns as a company has always stepped up, the hardware and software has gone up and beyond what I expected, but come on guys... I know you can complete the task... maybe give us transport control in the mean time... something... please...

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2018 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)

 "Engineering has rounded the corner on the nasty bug. The end is in sight!" - Ray Tantzen January 5 2018
