Questions & Answers

Lighting problem with scribble strips on Studiolive 32 series III

+2 votes
asked Dec 25, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by raymandradabaugh (160 points)

I bought the mixer new in April 2018, all LED scribble strips were equally bright. I understand that they appear to change when looking from different angles. A few weeks ago I started to notice scribble strips #17-20 were significantly dimmer than all the other ones, from all angles. I seen a video on Youtube with a similar problem. 

I opened a ticket with tech support and sent pictures. 

Thanks for getting back to me. 

You scribble stripes look normal in the picture as they can appear to be different depending on the angle. However, can you send me a picture of all the scribble strips in the one picture? I can then get a better idea of what you are seeing?


Jonny Doyle
Live Sound Support Lead

anyone else having this issue??

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 27, 2018 by fernandofagundes (180 points)
Ola! Estou com um problema parecido aqui no estúdio, as 4 primeiras telas dos canais desapareceram as escritas, sendo que as outras estão normais. O que devo fazer para resolver esse problema? Fico no aguardo e agradeço atenção!
0 votes
answered Oct 21, 2019 by travisbaiera (310 points)
I just started having this problem on my Studiolive 16 on channels 9-12 after owning it and not much use after about a year of owning it. After watching this video I'm hesitant to even take mine in to get fixed...