Questions & Answers

How to add Maschine 2 / mk3 to Studio One 5 instruments

+6 votes
asked Aug 24, 2020 in Studio One 5 by seanbenjamin (240 points)

I'm having difficulty getting my MK3 to work at all in SO5, and from different videos I've seen there's a Maschine icon under the Instruments column where Impact, Mojito, SampleOne, and others are located though Maschine is missing from mine.  Maschine 2 is installed and runs fine on its own, works with the MK3.  

In SO5 options, Maschine Control is listed.  Reconnecting from there does nothing.  I downloaded the .ncm attachment from Edit, ran it and all looks OK but when I click Connect nothing happens.

First thing I want to confirm is... if there's not supposed to be a Maschine instrument in the Instrument column, then I'll move on and try other things.  But if it is supposed to be there I could use some advice on how to make that happen. 

Thank you,


Studio One Artist
Maschine Mikro MK3 latest firmware as of 
Maschine 2.11.0
Presonus Studio 6|8 USB
Win 10 Pro 10.0.18363 Build 18363
AMD FX(tm)-9590 Eight-Core Processor, 4716 Mhz

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 1, 2020 by rchan454 (310 points)
I would also love to know if this is possible, these are both high end pieces of gear and software, can't believe they don't work together!
+1 vote
answered Sep 27, 2020 by seanbenjamin (240 points)

I figured it out, thinking back to what I did...  You have to make sure "Maschine 2.dll" and "Maschine 2 FX.dll" are in your PC's "C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit" folder. 

Do a search for those two .ddl's to see where they are.  If they're not in the folder above, they may be in "C:\Program Files\Vstplugins" , which is where I think they were for me.  If they are, move them into "VSTPlugins 64 bit".  

Then make sure both the Maschine application and Studio One know to look at that location for the file, and if not add the path.

Maschine: File > Preferences > Plug-ins > Locations > .

SO5: Studio One > Options > Locations > VST Plug-ins > .

Restart SO5, now your Instruments drop down in the far right should have a new instrument, Maschine 2.  Click and drag it to a track.  On your MK3 set it to MIDI mode, my Mikro MK3 does it with Shift + Control (the circle icon to the top left of the device).

Then pay Ivan Calderon a visit!  

Good luck!
