Questions & Answers

No sound in Maschine AU used as plugin in StudioOne 5.4x native M1 version

+1 vote
asked Oct 17, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rafatoczyski (130 points)

NI Maschine as AU plugin running in Studio One 5.4 (native version) on Mac Air M1 not works property - not have sound after click button. When run Studio One in Rosetta emulation everything works perfect.

I am check NI Maschine as AU plugin in new FL Studio build for M1 (native version) and all works, sound play. So this problem is with Studio One 5.4x native version.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 30, 2021 by frankiesmith3 (150 points)
While not an answer, I would like to add that I also have this issue with maschine, as well as being unable to sync the bpm - not that it is much use without the ability to play back the audio in the first place.

I am also on a M1 native version of studio one on a MacBook Pro - Seems like studio one just isn't compatible at the moment sadly, it works just fine in Logic.