Questions & Answers

Unable to update Faderport 8 to 3.43 on Windows10

0 votes
asked Oct 10, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by christophmller4 (230 points)
Every time I want to use Studio One with my Faderport 8 it doesn't work. Why? I need to update that ****** thing.
Of course that never works out of the box.

Now I can't update that thing at all. I even made a factory reset so the device is v1.01.
If I hit "update firmware" in the universal control software, the firmware starts to update. The Faderport doesn't update though. It states 0000 of 1217 packages throughout the whole process. After the update Universal Control says  it was successfull, while the FaderPort8 unit says it failed.

What now?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2020 by christophmller4 (230 points)
Best answer
Yes. Restart the computer. Shutting it off and turning it on again didn't work. But a restart did. Good luck
0 votes
answered Oct 14, 2020 by magnuserlandsson (320 points)
I have the exact same problem, did you solve it?
0 votes
answered Oct 15, 2020 by magnuserlandsson (320 points)
Very strange, but that solved the problem.

Thanks a lot, you saved my day
0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2020 by tolgahanzkan (140 points)
Merhaba aynı sorun bende de var güncelleme yapıyor gibi gösteriyor ama güncellenmiyor cihaz  fabrika ayarlarına nasıl dönebilirim bilgilendirrmisiniz ?