Questions & Answers

Snap to grid Icon is missing from top bar?

0 votes
asked Feb 12, 2021 in Studio One 4 by erikbarton (230 points)
edited Feb 12, 2021 by erikbarton

I noticed that the (snap to grid) Icon as well as (autoscroll) and (synchronize editor to arrangement) icons have disappeared from the top bar on my Mac version of Studio one / 4. I haven't seen them in about a day or two. Mainly I only use the snap icon. Its also gone from the lower bar when I go in to edit MIDI notes. I will say that the shift key as well as the N hot keys still work fine, so I can still toggle snap to grid on and off, but it would be nice to have the icon there as that's what I've been using till now. I've checked every setting that I can especially in the view options, and I still cannot find anything to make that icon set reappear? Am I missing something here?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 12, 2021 by erikbarton (230 points)
edited Feb 12, 2021 by erikbarton
Ahh, I just figured it out... If the Studio one window isn't fully open across the width of the monitor... that whole icon set disappears. I should have thought of that sooner... Simple fix, but good to know incase anyone else has this problem.