Questions & Answers

Make it possible to prevent the effect edit window from popping up when I apply effect to a track.

+4 votes
asked Dec 14, 2021 in Editing by haraldsson (670 points)
Please make it possible to prevent the effect edit window from popping up when I apply effect to a track. It is very often you don't need to see the edit window, like when you drag an insert plugin to other tracks or when you have a plugin with default presets. And often the edit window covers (in front of) things you are focusing on. It would definitely be nice to see this in the next Studio One Pro Update.

Best Regards,

Hjortur Blondal

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2022 by alpatemrah (600 points)
This is a major issue for me to be honest.

I routinely copy-drag plugins from one track to another, as well as sends - each time I drag something over it will open the plugin UI. I don't really need to see this so I end up wasting a click trying to close the window. This is especially annoying while working with limited screen real estate like on a laptop.

Also I've setup a lot of plugins with default presets and there are good number of them that only do 1 thing for me. I dont want/need to see the plugin UI when I drag it from the browser window.

I'd love it if there were settings that would allow/prevent the plugin UI popping up each time its dragged from one place to another.