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Larger format CS (CS34AI)

+3 votes
asked Sep 27, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by stanleypebsworth (380 points)
REQUESTING larger format CS.  Ideally having 16 Faders for inputs with 4 layer, 8 Fader for Aux and Returns 4 layers (for expansion) 8 Faders for DCA with 4 layer (for expansion).  Still have the single Flex fader and Main fader like the CS18.  With the extra space above, increase the scene size to 7", expand to full EQ control via knobs (Q, Freq, Gain), add scene buttons like mute groups for quick one button selection of scenes to include 4 layer selection allowing for quick access to 32 scenes.  Expand FX section to 6 FX from 4 FX with larger selection of possible FX to include Chorus, Flanger, AMP Modeling, etc.  I believe that if PRESONUS looked at desks such as the M32 and GLD112 they could make a much improved product in a larger format to greatly compete with larger format desks.  My input would be to keep the simple flow of PRESONUS, do away with the complicated formatting and assigning functions of the M32 and GLD112 and you got a product I WILL BUY.

Stanley Pebsworth


FOH Production

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
The CS is not a mixer, but a controller for the RM and RML series of rack mixers and for a DAW like Studio One. What you are asking for would first need a totally new "mixer/digital stagebox". As the latest and greatest RML mixers (with only some line inputs added) are arriving at the shops just these days, it does not look that a RML Mk II is "around the corner". Buy what you can get and afford now. Never wait for Columbus.

Just my 2 Euro cents...
0 votes
answered Sep 27, 2016 by stanleypebsworth (380 points)
To wahlerstudio, it would not take a reinvent of the RM other than software change. I am still talking about using the RM32. The CS34AI would move the layers of AUX/RTN and GROUPS to additional faders instead of having like 7 layers with just 16 faders.  Not askinf for more function than the RM32 already has just more faders for the CS. Only addition in software would be more FX which would require a faster processor. Even if they stuck with the already very usable dual reverd dual delay, a CS in larger format would be great.
0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2017 by Lequarius (1,910 points)
The new Series III mixers would make a great control surface for S1 V3 and still be used for live sound.

I also find the CS18 too small.   I rented one to trial it in my studio, and would never buy it because of its small format.

I could not justify buying two CS18's when a mixer that has the hardware capability to do the job is available.