Questions & Answers

How do I use Notion Sounds In Studio One?

+5 votes
asked Oct 1, 2016 in Studio One 3 by RobertBeach00 (220 points)
I just bought Notion to use with Studio One.    I really like the sounds that came bundled with Notion.  How can I use these sounds within Studio One?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

PreSonus Notion is our musical notation application for Mac OS and Windows. With Notion, you can create full-fledged musical scores for composing new work or transcription of existing music, working with both note data and audio. Notion can exchange note data and audio freely with Studio One. Together, they create an ideal tool set for fusing the worlds of composition and production in your musical projects. This section describes the workflow for sending data between Sending Note Data and Audio from Studio One to Notion.

Sending Note Data and Audio from Studio One to Notion

In Studio One, when you have a Song open that contains note data or audio content you wish to send to Notion, navigate to Song/Send to Notion to bring up the Send to Notion window. In this window, you have the following choices:

  • Computer Selector This lets you choose to send note data & audio to an instance of Notion running on your own computer ("This Computer"), or to a Notion instance on another computer on your network. If any computers currently running Notion are on your network, they are listed in this drop-down menu for access.
  • Send Note Data of Entire Song This option sends the note data for all Instrument Tracks in the current Song to the chosen instance of Notion. A new Score is created in Notion, with instrument parts that mirror the Instrument Tracks in your Studio One Song.
  • Send Note Data of Selected Tracks This option works similarly to the option above, but only sends note data from the currently selected Instrument Tracks in Studio One.
  • Send Audio Mixdown This option mixes your Song down to a stereo audio file, and sends the file to Notion, where it opens in a new Score.

You can also send audio files to Notion from the Browser in Studio One. To do so, [Right]/[Ctrl]-click the audio file, choose "Send to Notion" from the pop-up menu, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the action. This option is available for 16-bit/44.1 kHz WAV files only.

Sending Note Data and Audio from Notion to Studio One

In Notion, if you have a Score open that you wish to send as note data or rendered audio to Studio One, navigate to File/Send to Studio One to open the Send to Studio One window. In this window, you have the following choices:

  • Computer Selector: This lets you choose to send note data & audio to an instance of Studio One running on your own computer ("This Computer"), or to a Studio One instance on another computer on your network. If any computers currently running Studio One are on your network, they are listed in this drop-down menu for access.
  • Send Audio This option renders audio files from each instrument part in your Notion Score (using internal sounds or 3rd-party instruments, as appropriate). It then creates a new Song in your chosen instance of Studio One, and creates Audio Tracks within it, containing the rendered audio for each part in Notion.
  • Send Notes This option creates a new Song in Studio One and creates Instrument Parts within it, each containing the note data from the corresponding instrument parts in your Notion Score. If VST instruments are used in your Notion score, instrument and preset information is also sent to Studio One, to keep your sounds consistent across both platforms.

Using MIDI-Over-ReWire with Notion

Studio One and Notion can be connected using the ReWire protocol. This lets you use native PreSonus Instruments (such as Presence XT or MaiTai) as sound sources for Notion. To access Studio One Instruments in Notion, do the following:

  1. In Notion, open the Preferences window, and enable the "Enable ReWire" option in the General tab.
  2. Save any open work, and exit Notion. If Studio One is also open, save any open work there, and exit it as well.
  3. Launch Studio One, and once it is fully open, launch Notion.
  4. In Notion, enter Score Setup mode, and create a ReWire Midi track in your Score. If this is your first ReWire MIDI track, set it to the first available ReWire Bus and Channel (such as Bus 1, Channel 1).
  5. In Studio One, open the Instruments tab in the Browser, navigate to the ReWire folder, and drag the Notion object to a blank area in the Track List. This creates a Notion ReWire connection object, enabling the flow of note data by ReWire.
    • If you plan to access multiple Studio One Instruments in Notion, be sure to enable the "Multiple MIDI Outputs" option in the Notion ReWire window that opens.
  6. Create Instrument Tracks in Studio One for the Instruments you wish to access with Notion.
  7. Looking at the editing window for each Instrument you wish to access, set the input to "Notion," and if you plan to access multiple Instruments using ReWire, set the ReWire Bus and Channel to match those you have specified in Notion.

asked Jun 9, 2021 in Notion by Stepjan (140 points) Can I use soundset from Notion in StudioOne?