Questions & Answers

Update Over Network Failed Message with RM Mixers

0 votes
asked May 12, 2015 in Ai Mixers by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Update Over Network Failed Message with RM Mixers

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Best answer

NOTE: Updating over a network is supported as of version 1.0.5550 (released on Oct 14, 2014). Mixers that shipped with firmware version 1.0.5504 or 1.0.5510 do not have the ability to update over a network. Please update your RM Mixer to 1.0.5550 or higher add this functionality. 

To update your mixer manually using a USB Thumb drive, please refer to our Knowledge Base article on How To Upgrade RM Series Mixer Firmware


If you see this message on your RM Mixer

"Network update failed. Power cycle the mixer." 

It means that the mixer cannot do a software update online.

In order to do a network update on your RM series mixer, you must meet both of these criteria:

- Your mixer MUST be registered in your account
- Your mixer MUST be on a network that has a connection to the Internet.

You can register your mixer to your PreSonus account at  

If you don't have an account you will need to create one there and then register your mixer in the +Add New Hardware section
