Questions & Answers

how to make pattern with rewire in reason and use in studio one with rewire

+1 vote
asked Nov 7, 2016 in Studio One 3 by williamswarner1 (1,370 points)
I have an i5 2400 intel processor on a gigabyte board with 8 gig phys ram and win 10 anniversary edition all 64 bit I have a 1.64 gig paging file and 6.4 gig virtual ram as well, the make is I made it so no name brand except parts.

studio one artist with rewire support and vst module added

 Here is my problem I can record with all the instruments from reason or live when using rewire however when i program a drum track in reason and get it edited just the way i want it to sound studio one fails to record it, i was wondering how to get studio one to recognize the drum track i have created in the instrumentation editor in reason, this is the whole purpose of rewire to be able to use other features from other apps and daws in studio one to make it more powerful than it already is NO? I guess if I have to I can create the pattern in reason record it in reason and import it but i got rewire to avoid having to take these multiple steps so i could use all these tools in studio one, so i hopw someone knows and answer to save me some steps.

 Thanks in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 19, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Please check out this video on Rewire using Reason into Studio One: