Simple request, to quote from the old forums:
Dunno again if this has been addressed...but if there isn't a way to make the transport stop from playing at the end of the song I'd like to request it. As it is the transport just keeps playing and playing into no man's land...
The following options could be placed in the Options window:
[ ] Stop when End marker reached
[ ] Play cursor jumps to Start marker when End marker reached
These two options can be combined to produce 4 possible states. The two columns on the right show how Studio One behaves when the Start and End markers coincide (Start = End), and when the Start marker is to the right of the End marker (Start > End).

Note: These settings only apply when the cursor is to the left of the End marker. If playback starts while the playback cursor is already to the right of the End marker, then playback continues indefinitely.