Questions & Answers

Did it with my Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 for years

0 votes
asked Dec 8, 2016 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by jeremyemery (200 points)
I was able to achieve this with my Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 no problem and i used it for years. just eliminate internal monitoring(mixer bypass) and send them to the respective outputs inside Ableton. I SHOULD be able to get the same result with this.....I would imagine....

1 Answer

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answered Dec 22, 2016 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
You can.  Open Universal Control.  Click the image of the Studio 192 to open the Mixer view.  Click the Settings wheel at the top right hand corner.  Bypass Mixer.

Just keep in mind that the Outputs are discreet.  There is a channel offset in your DAW.

Outs 1/2 = Mains L/R

Outs 3-10 = Line Outs 1-8

Outs 11/12 = Headphone 1

Outs 13/14 = Headphone 2

Outs 15/16 = SPDIF Outs

Outs 17-32 = ADAT Outs