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+42 votes
asked Jan 25, 2017 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by ssdigitalsystems (290 points)
I am from SS DIGITAL SYSTEMS , and a Presonus Dealer here in Kerala ,South India , working with your Disty , The Inventory ... Tanseer is a good friend and Great Support !!!!
I suggest a FADERPORT 24 ... at a 899 - 999 $ price point , with a little more spacing between the faders , little more that the Faderport 8 , the faders of which appear to be too close to each other ( I have feedback from a lot of clients who miss the Tascam US 2400 :-) !!! So I feel there is a Huge market !!! Unless ofcourse you thought of this already and feel that it will hit the CS18AI market ... But then the CS18AI does not have HUI or Mackie Control .... so the ball is in your Court !!! :-) :-) :-)

3 Answers

+11 votes
answered Jan 31, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected Apr 12, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+5 votes
answered Sep 26, 2018 by kevinrendleman (1,930 points)
If Presonus released a 24 fader + 1 master with a powerful fully featured master section, and a larger, more robust, professional feeling Faderport "Pro", it would dominate the market.  It seems like development for the faderport 8 is pretty much done, and while it IS a functional controller, it still has its flaws and feels flimsy.  I find myself using the keyboard and mouse way more often.  Rather than focusing on affordability and portability, make something for the MANY of us who have dumped Avid's BS in hopes that S1 will integrate even more features geared towards pro engineers and mixers.  We crave really good visibility and metering... maybe even an actual meter bridge option with touch features... I'm looking at what we have in the way of digital consoles live and it's leaps and bounds beyond the DAW control world.  Midas Pro series mixers have programmable "pop" groups to instantly access groups of custom faders.  This could easily be done with the "Scenes" function in S1 with the faderport, but there is no option to link the scene to the faderport, and remote mode sticks you to one single set of channels.  

The advantage of having a control surface in my eyes is being able to quickly access what you need.  Most of us work with keyboard and mouse and I CRAVE more options for customizing the behavior of how the Faderport behaves.  I reaaaaaally wish the faderport would have an option to always select and orient in a predefined way, the fader selected with a mouse click.  In other words, when I click Guitar 4, I want it selected and ready to go on the leftmost fader.  

Tons of potential, and it seems like a lot of these ideas would be pretty easy to implement.  I hope someone's paying attention because there's a lot of us out here that would appreciate some feature updates
+3 votes
answered Oct 15, 2018 by ionian (2,110 points)
I'd only open to this if PreSonus replaces the inferior, ultra-cheap LCD scribble strips and uses proper OLEDs or better quality screens.  They have a good idea with the Faderport series, but then PreSonus really cheaped out on the whole thing, sadly.