Questions & Answers

Is it possible to connect 2 or 3 Presonus Faderport 8 in cascade, to sum 16 or 24 faders?

+47 votes
asked Mar 20, 2017 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by juanjosalazar (300 points)
edited Mar 20, 2017 by juanjosalazar
I want to setup 2 faderport for 16 faders.

10 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 6, 2018 by maxstratmann (42,710 points)
Best answer
It is not a currently supported function of the FaderPort 8 or FaderPort 16 to be able to be cascaded together and there may be some issues with certain functions. However, you can have multiple units connected to your computer and set them up accordingly for your DAW.

In Studio One you would continue using the native Studio One mode and create a FaderPort 8 or FaderPort 16 external device for each unit you intend to use. In HUI/MCU you would use the appropriate mode on the FaderPort 8 or FaderPort 16 and assign them to Mackie MCU/HUI devices in your DAW of choice.
+6 votes
answered Mar 22, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Not Natively. Meaning just plug them in and Studio One will see them and use them as a cascaded system. This presently is a feature request. I will move this question to the FaderPort 8 Feature Request area.

You can cascade FaderPort 8's using HUI or MCU mode, you'll have to set them to that function in the setup screen on the Faderport 8 itself. Then use the HUI setup screen in Studio One (or your favorite DAW) to order them accordingly.
+7 votes
answered Jun 16, 2017 by robertfuhrmann (540 points)
I would like to see a modular system like Avid Artist Series, but with better faders and deeper integration into S1.

Dedicated REC on/off button and two endless encoders per channel. And please: Leave off the "hand rest" roundiness. Thats just a cheapo "I wanna be - but I'm not" design.

Why did you change the design from the original Faderport? Thats just perfect... IMHO
+17 votes
answered Jul 6, 2017 by richardhedderly (500 points)
An extension module for the Faderport 8 would be great. Just the fader, M, S, Select and the scribble bar. Pop one either side of the main controller, 24 tracks. Sorted.

Less space than three Faderport 8s side by side and cheaper too.

Call it the Faderport 8 Production Module.....
+7 votes
answered Jan 8, 2018 by dustradio (1,140 points)
Would be nice to connect a 16 to my 8 and have access to 24 faders.
+6 votes
answered May 5, 2020 by owenroberts3 (1,230 points)

An extension module for the Faderport 8 would be great. Just the fader, M, S, Select and the scribble bar. Pop one either side of the main controller, 24 tracks. Sorted. 

I would buy this in an instant. I'd probably buy two. 

+4 votes
answered Jul 19, 2020 by benreaves (11,480 points)

An extension module for the Faderport 8 would be great. Just the fader, M, S, Select and the scribble bar. Pop one either side of the main controller, 24 tracks. Sorted.

This would be such a great solution. The Faderport 1 as the main controller would be cool too... but I'm also considering it being a sort of modular "master section," like the sort of thing this person suggested:

I would like to see a modular system like Avid Artist Series, but with better faders and deeper integration into S1.

Dedicated REC on/off button and two endless encoders per channel.

I'd love to see a modular approach to Studio One control like this. The sort of "stuck in the box" approach to the individual Faderport products is what makes me hesitate to buy the larger formats. 8-fader extensions with a master section separate from the faders would be such a win.

And a huge bonus for adding more assignable encoders, especially if they can be mapped as an EQ interface.

+5 votes
answered Oct 28, 2020 by xavierpretre (280 points)
Yes please Presonus,

build a faderport 24 or an extension of 8 faders !!!

Please !
+4 votes
answered Mar 8, 2021 by owenroberts3 (1,230 points)
With the announcement today of the ability to cascade Faderports, surely it’s time now for the Faderport Extension Module. 8 faders, no frills, just link them up to extend the FP16 to 24 channels... 32... whatever  

Come on Presonus, I’ll pre-order one now if you make it.
0 votes
answered May 6, 2023 by jamainfreeman (180 points)

I can't believe they have not created an extender for the Faderport yet. This would be huge for many. It just seems weird and a waste of space having to purchase another Faderport 8 or 16 WITH all of the right side controls. Having a streamlined extender with just the fader channels is so ideal and much needed. Other controllers provide this functionality and seeing how the Presonus Faderport is very popular, this should be a no-brainer.
