Questions & Answers

Proper swing marking

+3 votes
asked Feb 15, 2017 in Progression by franoismeilleur (1,170 points)
edited Feb 18, 2017 by franoismeilleur

I'd like the swing marker to properly display the swing applied and have other 8th/16th style added, exemple below.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 21, 2017 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
Thanks for the idea - you can add Swing in both Notion and Progression - with Shift+G. Keep pressing Shift+G to toggle between swung 8ths or 16ths and straight, and whether it's one staff or the whole score that should be swung. Once the marking is in the score, you can click it, and adjust how much swing to playback with.

If you idea is to add a visual element to Swing selection, please post in the Notion Feature Requests area, where other users can see it and upvote it!