Questions & Answers

midi falling during song

0 votes
asked Mar 21, 2017 in AudioBox USB by thoreolofsson (120 points)

Very confusing... I have used Audiobox usb for some months now and it has worked properly all the time.

Today when I started up working with some songs, the midi out suddenly failed. No sound!  Or a few bars of a song and than silence...!

I also noticed that the audio drivers were "fluttering" between the inbuilt audio hardware and the Audiobox.

I have reinstalled the drivers from your website. I allways use the same usb-port.

Microsoft has made a big update this week. Therefore I reinstalled the Audiobox drivers.

This is very frustrating for me, ´cause I´m using my midi sequenser (Sonar 8) for my live-gig. So there is no room for "hooking up". Not ever!

What do I do?

Kindly Thore Olofsson

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)

I would have to suggest that you start a Tech service ticket right away.. Then, I would ask if you had followed the uninstall process detailed in the Knowledge base?

Since you didn't specify what computer I cannot be more specific with this.

Other possibilities are your cables, and sometimes the shorter the better, especially with the Audio box. Often a powered hub can solve a NUMBER of issues, especially with laptops, and USB ports in general. (all USB ports are NOT created equal...) and my final thought, have you optimized your computer for audio? Laptops in particular have lots of performance killing features...