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probeme with usb instruments

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asked Apr 11, 2017 in Studio One 3 by ralffrauendorf (160 points)
edited Apr 11, 2017 by ralffrauendorf

Hello , first sorry for my bad english, i am in france 

I buy audio box 1818vsl , , studio one 3 included

I connect on my pc and  it works 

I also have akai lpk25 , midi usb keyboard , i install the driver on the problème to make it work in studio one 3 

Now my probleme : i have roland handsonic hpd20 (hand drum ) connect with usb to my pc , driver ok....

I dont know how to make it work in studio one 3 , i would like connect my microphone, the audio box 1818vsl for rec and at the same time rec what i play with the roland hpd 20 ,

The probleme is that i must chose audio box 1818vsl or the roland hpd 20 , so i can not use at the same time ,

For the moment  if i chose the hpd20 it works but then the 1818vsl dont work, and if i chose the 1818vsl i dont know how too do for hear, make work the roland hpd 20 

The hpd20 have his sounds inside , its like rec usb instrument , 

I try the same like make work the akai lpk25 , created new instrument, i dont know the midi canal from the hpd20 ......

I must do anything wrong ....

I Speak perfect german and french , ,maybe some user can answer me in one of this language, maybe i can phone/call anybody for help me to resolved the probleme. ?.

Thank you 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 11, 2017 by ralffrauendorf (160 points)
edited Apr 11, 2017 by ralffrauendorf
Yes the simplest way is to connect the hpd20 with 2 jack 6,3 into the 1818 but this not resolved the probleme

I have also guitare with big boss multi effect pedal , this have also usb

There are a lot of instruments how have usb , the question is how to make them work In studio one 3 together

Use the 1818 for mic input xlr....and connect all other instruments how have usb with usb , like the boss multi effect pedal for the guitare , the roland hpd 20 ,synthesizer...real instruments with sounds,hear this together for rec in studio one 3 ..... all woks in Windows and all driver are ok ...there must be a way for make this

A friend of me have also guitare and a effect pedal with usb , he try to make work in audacity -connection > the guitare in the boss pedal and the boss pedal usb in the pc >>>> works without problemes , connect usb microphone and it works to/together....