Questions & Answers

Pipeline send pan

0 votes
asked Jun 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by thiagomelo (530 points)
Hello guys... I'm using a outboard stereo reverb and created a bus for it with pipeline inserted... So using a send for the snare f(or exemple)... my reverb doesn't respect the pan send control... It's funny because this happens only with pipeline, when I use plugins the send pan is respected and follows my command...
Am I doing something wrong? Best!!!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 28, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

Hi Thiago,

You're not doing anything wrong. If you insert Pipeline directly onto an audio channel to send and return something all of that happens before the channel pan and has no correlation or relationship to any of that channel's Aux send's signals or panning.

You can change that by putting Pipeline on a bus and sending to it from an aux send, and the aux send pan will be before Pipeline, allowing panning the signal.
