Questions & Answers

Progression 2 Studio One

0 votes
asked Oct 26, 2015 in Studio One 2 by igorfajnor (120 points)
I bought Fishman triple play..... activate Studio One i need product key... where i can find it ?

I cant synchronize Fishman Triple play and Progression 2.... i cant play live midi guitar through Progression 2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,250 points)
For the Studio One Product Key, you'll need to contact Fishman on where to find this, it should in your product packaging, or perhaps it is provided to you when you register your Triple Play with Fishman. You'll need to contact Fishman for information on where to find your key. PreSonus does not make the Triple Play therefore we are unable to assist with this.

To answer your question about how to set it up with Progression, the Fishman support page has a tutorial that includes a setup on how to get the Triple Play working with Notion / Progression.

In case you're interested, Tutorial #7 on their site includes how to get the Triple Play working with Studio One:

Additional tutorials can be found at: