Questions & Answers

Same macro error

0 votes
asked Jul 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by curtheckert (190 points)

I am getting the same Loading Macro error and can't find the  \Macros folder. I did a search and can't find commandbar.xml.  I am using Win 10 x64, Could someone please post an example of the complete path to this file? Is there anything else that might cause the error?

Thanks, Curt

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 10, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

Hi Curt,

Look at the path in Options > Locations > User Data.   Inside that folder  path you should see a \Songs folder, a \Macros folder (if the Macro toolbar is installed) and other things.  You should see a commandbar.xml file there.  Close Studio One first and delete it.

If Studio One does successfully launch despite the error, and assuming that the Macro Toolbar is installed, go to Studio One > Macro Organizer to open that window and there is a direct link to the Macros folder at the bottom of that window.  Same as above, close Studio One and delete the commandbar.xml to see if it stops the error.

P.S. If for some reason you are running Apple desktop sync on Windows, try disabling it to see if you stop getting the macro errors on load.

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2017 by curtheckert (190 points)

Thanks for your reply. I am using this with Fishman TriplePlay if that makes a difference. I have found the Macros folder, although there is no Songs foilder. Inside the Macros folder there is no commandbar.xml. There are a lot of other macros like Add Five Layers.studioonemacro, Copy to New Layer. studioonemacro, but nothing that ends in .xml and none that have commandbar in them. Maybe I have an incomplete installation. Should I uninstall everything and start over?
