Questions & Answers

Dropout protection helps previous issue, but doesn't fix it entirely

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asked Aug 18, 2017 in Studio One 3 by keysmcgee (240 points)
I appreciate the answer, thanks for the help! Changing my dropout protection to anything above minimum helps significantly with the clicks and pops. That being said, even with the dropout protection set to Maximum, I still have the same CPU issue, the performance meter in S1 is slammed at 100% when playing now, but the clockspeed on the CPU is still low, changing power settings like before to high performance fixes it like before. Even with dropout protection at maximum, I still get the occasional click or pop noise, sometimes even several seconds of garbage disposal like garbled noise if it decides it's really unhappy with what it's asked to play. Happy to upload more screenshots if necessary, please advise. Thanks!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 18, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Glad to hear that things are starting to move in the right direction for you.  If you are still getting pops and clicks in your audio, you will want to make sure that you have the latest driver and firmware installed for your audio interface, as well as for your motherboard.  You will also want to try increasing your device block size.  The device block size still comes into play when you are using the new Dropout Protection functionality.  You may just need to bump it up a bit.  

If you are working with virtual instruments, you may need to transform to audio. You may also want to try rendering some of your tracks if you are using an absorbent amount of plug-ins.  

*To address your CPU issue, there are many things that can cause this.  It is possible that you are working with a 3rd-party plug-in that does not support multi-processing.  You may want to try systematically disabling plug-ins to see if you can identify a source for the spikes.  What you see in the Process Monitor inside of Studio One is not going to reflect what you see in the Windows Performance Monitor being that Studio One has to allow for overhead for the operating system to run.  

If you are in need of further assistance, you may want to submit a support ticket by logging into your account and going to "support."  PreSonus can then take a look at your system files and what you are working with in order to tailor the response to your unique situation.
0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2018 by trevorhanson (1,220 points)
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I thought an answer might be more likely in the context of this discussion. Do we have any tools to help detect dropouts and similar recording anomalies within a track? I also have occasional recording glitches and am not convinced I will always be able to spot them just by inspection. Finding dropouts and pops seems similar to transient detection. We can fix sample dropouts, I think, but only if we notice them. Thanks if there are any thoughts on this process.