Questions & Answers

Cant watch youtube or use spotify while using my audiobox iTwo

0 votes
asked Sep 11, 2017 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by jonasjohanson (200 points)
I just installed my PreSonus AudioBox iTwo. It Works on my Windows and with my daw. But when i want to play a song on spotify or video on youtube, the video cant load, its just freezes. When i choose another audio source on my computer, the video or song will load. What is the problem?

9 Answers

+2 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by donaldbaarns (9,880 points)

Try this and let me know:

No matter which interface you're using, temporarily change to "Windows Audio", open the "Control Panel" and UN-check the "Exclusive Mode" check box. 

Change your settings back to your interface and in most cases it will allow other apps to use the interface while S1 is open and/or playing audio. 

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2017 by jonasjohanson (200 points)
Nope, it don´t work. Youtube videos freezes and spotify won´t play tracks when i have my audiobox as my audio source.. But my FL studio works fine when i produce music.
0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2017 by donaldbaarns (9,880 points)
I'm assuming you have the latest Universal Controller installed?

Which version of Windows?

I have clients with that interface and we're able to run S1 and have audio work with YouTube, iTunes, and other audio programs, even when S1 is active.

Something about your config, but it would require additional details to figure out why your config isn't allowing that.
0 votes
answered Sep 14, 2017 by jonasjohanson (200 points)
Yes i have the latest version of the universall controller.

and i have the latest update on windows 10 aswell. Windows version 1703 and os version 15063.608
0 votes
answered Oct 11, 2017 by pietromarduc (180 points)
I just would to say that I've the same problem here. You are not alone man! I use Windows 10, the latest version, and audiobox 22vsl connected into USB, live linked to the computer, configured in 128. My CPU is cold when I use my computer, so he's powerfull an i7 7700k 16gb ram DDR4 (a good configuration actually). I don't understand, it's ths same problem than Jonas. Maybe the problem comes from the soundsystem linked to the soundcard?
+6 votes
answered Nov 21, 2017 by eirikhannisdal (260 points)
So if anyone still has trouble with this I think I have found the solution. At least it worked for me. You probably don't have the same sample rate in the controlpanel settings in studio one as you have on your selected output device (if that makes sense).

Here is what you do:

- Open Studio One, open controlpanel for the audiobox and look at the sample rate. By default it should be 44,1 kHz.

- Match this rate on your output device. (right-click on the volume icon in the down-left corner, choose the audiobox device > properties > advanced > 44,1 kHz)
+2 votes
answered Mar 11, 2018 by stevefischer (270 points)

The solutions above worked for me!

I have Windows 10 on a 2015 ThinkPad, and AudioBox USB 96, running with Universal Control driver.

My goal: stream music from GooglePlayDesktop application, and play along using Pianoteq VST.  This requires two applications using the ASIO driver.

Following suggestions in this thread, I was able to make this work!!

  1. In Pianoteq:
    1. I chose the Windows driver (not Windows Exclusive)
    2. I then changed back to ASIO
    3. I confirmed that it was running at 44.1KHz
  2. In Windows, I right clicked on speaker icon in lower right of system tray
    1. i clicked Playback Devices
    2. i clicked the AudioBox
    3. i clicked Properties -> Advanced
    4. changed the sample rate from 48 to 44.1

That's it.  It works now!  Amazing.

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2018 by davidrankin (430 points)
I had this problem too when I got a new PC and this solution worked for me.  Thank you!
0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2021 by codyainge (150 points)
Stevefischer nailed it. This problem popped up after it had been working just fine and changing it to 44.1 in the control panel in Windows fixed it. Thanks man!