Questions & Answers

I want to know about notion 6 purchase

0 votes
asked Oct 5, 2017 in Notion by baekgiju (150 points)
Hi. I am the user using studio one 3 professional.

I am planning to purchase notion 6.

However, I found that there are two options

One is Just purchase notion 6.

Another one is that purchase studio one 3 professional for notion 6.(it is cheaper than notion 6)

what's the differece between two items.

those two options have same function ? or not ?

I want to know.

please give me the answer to me...

Thank you so much.

Have a nice day!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

Notion 6 contains everything that Progression 3 does, plus much more.  Progression 3 does not support VST instruments, MIDI output, or extracting parts.  Progression 3 also does not allow for more than 2 voices per staff.  The software also comes with a much smaller library of instruments than does Notion 6.

If you would like to see the pricing for Studio One and Notion, please refer to the following links:
