Questions & Answers

How do i get a normal plugin/instrument/editor window close with cmd+w?

0 votes
asked Oct 10, 2017 in Studio One 3 by yishayraziel1 (730 points)

Every plugin/editor/fx window in cubase is closed with the normal cmd+w.
It works like this in Adobe also.
In Studio One it does not and i have to use f11/f12...

Any idea?...

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Oct 11, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,430 points)
Best answer


Change the key binding for the action Toggle Instrument Editor from Shift+F11 to CMD+W to toggle instrument UI's or change the binding for Toggle Floating Windows to CMD+W.

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2017 by yishayraziel1 (730 points)

This is not a good solution imo.
I think that there should be a one shortcut for closing an ACTIVE window.

look at the video here
