Questions & Answers

Insert activate (power button) green instead of blue

0 votes
asked Oct 13, 2017 in Studio One 3 by tianzhang (470 points)

Does anyone know what it means when the insert activate (looks like an power switch, usually blue used to activate / deactivate an insert) changes colour to green signify? I gathered it's possibly got something to do with dropout protection, but information on this feature seems sketchy.

It seems that in FabFilter Pro-Q2, when I switch my "dropout protection" to "medium", the activate button turns green. When it does this, the graphical EQ doesn't update but the sound is somehow unaffected (!?)

Can someone explain the significance or point me to an manual page?



3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 13, 2017 by toddzimmerman (1,140 points)
As I recall, with the new line of Presonus audio interfaces, you have the ability to monitor and track through some plug-ins as you would using an UA Apollo and their plug-ins.  It seems as if the two color 'power switch' had something to do with that function.  If you check the NAM videos (and maybe the Presonus interface manuals) you can get the exact explanation.  Hope that is of some help.
+2 votes
answered Dec 14, 2019 by Ragekaje (180 points)
Just had the same problem. I didn't know why some of my Activate Buttons on some of my Insert Effects were green.  Traced it back to the the Enable Low Latency Monitoring feature under the Instruments panel. (Looks like a 'Z' and should be green when active) Once that's active, it looks like any instrument track that was being monitored will have green activation buttons in all of its effects, as well as any buses, sends, and even the master that are in that signal's chain. That way you know which effects are being affected by that Low Latency Monitoring feature.
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2022 by sebastianpulgar (160 points)

Hi! better late than never

The green button is because maybe you have enables the Low Latency Monitoring button on. You just open the mixer, and it will appear as a Green "Z" on the instruments section to the Left.
