Questions & Answers

Are ULT 10's a good match for AIR 18S subwoofers

0 votes
asked Nov 6, 2017 in AIR Series by P.A.LOVER (180 points)
Drop down menu only gave 1 model to choose but my question is:

Would a pair of the ULT 10's be powerful enough to keep up with a pair of the AIR 18's ?

I currently have a pair of the 328AI's but feel they are too heavy and a little odd to lift up on my own

as they are a bit too tall it's doable but it also seems they are not completely stable when placed on

a sub pole on top of the AIR18s as the AIR18s is less wide than most subs but i like it as it's light and

powerful (in fact it's more punchy and powerful than a JBL PRX618XLF which i recently compared it to).

I love the sound of the 328AI but i'm after something more portable the ULT's are a bit harsher as i've

heard the 12 but i'm hoping the 10" sounds a bit different as it may have better mids than the 12 cause

of the 10" woofer albeit at lower volume as there is 5 db  difference between them.

Hoping someone here can give me an answer , also there doesen't seem to be much info anywhere about

the ULT series including on these forums.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2019 by leeeden (140 points)
what top boxes did you go with?
0 votes
answered Nov 2, 2019 by P.A.LOVER (180 points)
Hi , yes I ended up getting the ULT10s they work perfectly with the Air18s.