I have absolutely the same issue with volume and pan. I tried different ways of adding the automation to an instrument track:
- Right-click volume fader in Inspector and choose "Edit volume automation"
- Right-click volume fader in mixerwindor and choose "Edit volume automation"
- Move the volume fader in either inspector or mixer and clicking the "A" or dragging the top left parameter window to the track. (thats 4 different ways)
- Add automation track, feft-click the automation track and choose add/remove, than selecting instruments > audio > volume.
- Putting the channel in Latch-mode and dragging the volume slider in either the mixer or the inspector while playing back.
In all cases, if I create or record a volume curve the fader moves while I play back the song, but I do not hear the result in the mix. When I switch the recorded or edited automation of and move the fader manually however, I do hear that in the mix. So clearly the instrument is not routed directly to the outputs, because in that case manually adjusting the fader would not have any audible effect either.
This clearly is a bug that needs fixing.
And while we're at it automating mute does not work either. Try it. You'll not hear any effect until you move the fader, than suddenly it works, but only once...
Best work around for me is dropping a mixtool on the instrument track and automating the gain of the mixtool. (For pan you could use the binaural Pan.) This has the additional benefit you can still make adjustments with the fader if you want to adjust overall volume and you can (temporarily) switch the automation of by bypassing the mixtool if you want.