Questions & Answers

Yamaha PSR275 MIDI setup in StudioOne

–1 vote
asked Dec 25, 2017 in Studio One 3 by tommyharris2 (110 points)

Newbie here

Trying to link an old Yamaha PSR-275 via MIDI to Studio One through AudioBox iTwo. (Windows 10, 64 bit)

Can't find a driver for this keyboard anywhere (have asked Yamaha), is it still possible if not specific driver available?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2018 by cihanispanoglu (140 points)
I also had an old Ymaha PSR64 Arabic Scale piece of junk and it is working fine with another piece of junk USB MIDI cable from china !!!

I plugged in USB to computer and MIDI IN to MIDI OUT of the yamaha. Then I  went ahead to the MIDI setup page of my studio one and added device as new keyboard and selected yamaha brand and typed the name as PSR64 and selected receive from USBMIDI2.0 device (chinese usb2midi cable). Set it up as the default midi input device. It works pretty good and I can play every VSTI that instrument that I have including drum VSTis.

But there is a drawback. Although Yamaha PSR64 supports velocity I could not get the velocity of the key to the studi one.

Hope that works for you.