Questions & Answers

Only one input/output available in Windows

–2 votes
asked Nov 25, 2015 in FireStudio Series by antongildebrand (310 points)
I'm trying to configure my Firestudio Project to work with Windows. In Windows I can only see one input device and one output device, even though I've configured WDM in universal control to have 8 inputs and 8 outputs. In WDM I can reroute which of the physical outputs/inputs should be used by Windows, but I can't get any more devices in Windows Audio Manager.

My guess is that this is a driver issue. I've installed the drivers for Firestudio Project found in the Universal Control program folder. I don't know if it's relevant, but the Windows computer is running Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64).

6 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
This is a bug in the 1.7.3 release driver that affects WDM support only on Windows for the FireStudio Products.

This is only an issue if you want to play audio from Windows Media Player, YouTube, or use a DAW that supports mutli-channel WDM I/O such as Sonar, N-Track, etc. If you need more than just ASIO, then please uninstall the 1.7.3 release and revert back to 1.7.2, then your WDM Channels will re-appear.
0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2015 by matthewgorman (52,060 points)
Windows Server is not supported.
0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2015 by antongildebrand (310 points)
I know that W2K12 isn't officially supported but I guess the same drivers as used for Windows 8 should work. However, I don't know where to find the correct drivers to try with.
0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2015 by antongildebrand (310 points)
Thank you for your response Alex!

Where can I find the 1.7.2 driver version?
0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2015 by FinalSaga (5,640 points)

You should be able to find any driver you need right here:

0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2015 by antongildebrand (310 points)
Didn't make any difference :(

Shouldn't it be possible to get this working, even though it's not a officially supported os?