Questions & Answers

Will you please implement the ability for Sample One and Impact to detect, display and change the root key of samples ?

+68 votes
asked May 24, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by kenovalentino (260 points)
We need a feature so that SampleOne and Impact are able to detect the root key of each sample that is loaded and allow the user to change the root key of the sample, quickly, with a knob or button. This feature is mandatory for tasks like tuning drums without the tedious hassle of finding the key in tuner. Might I add, most drums samples do not even register in the tuner, so tuning drums is extremely difficult in Studio One. Thanks

2 Answers

+8 votes
answered May 24, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+3 votes
answered Oct 27, 2019 by walterholmgrn (540 points)
Please add something similiar to detect the pitch region like in FL Studio!

Start at: 2:00!