Questions & Answers

What limits the StudioLive RM16Ai and others of that range for running the plugins offered for the series III products?

+1 vote
asked May 26, 2018 in Ai Mixers by donntarris1 (3,090 points)
As the StudioLive mixers are software based, why is there a limitation on using the plugins currently offered to run on the Series III products on the RM16Ai and others in its line? Is a different DSP being used, or other hardware limitation?

I purchased an RM16Ai new within the past 2 months as I preferred its layout over the Series III line. As far as I was made aware, both were software based interfaces. The advantage to a software based mixer is the ability to stave off obsolescence, but already the RM16Ai seems to be showing a limitation. Is this true?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 29, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
The Series III plugins are designed for the Series III mixer so that they can be installed directly onto the mixer. They will not work on previous generations of PreSonus mixers.