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Single page scrolling on play back

+3 votes
asked Jun 16, 2018 in Notion Feature Requests by jayhightman (240 points)
edited Jun 16, 2018 by jayhightman

My wife, who is the music director at our church, uses Notion to create educational materials for her choir members. As part of this, she recently created a few scores which were to be made into videos for YouTube. The audio was exported from Notion easily enough, however to create a video capture of the score playback was extremely difficult. This was mainly caused by the fact there is no way of setting how page scrolling works in Notion. As is, depending on the number of staves per page, the scrolling on playback varies from whole pages to fractions of a page. It would be very helpful to have a setting where pages were just displayed as whole pages during playback. This would be analogous to the "View" / "One Page" setting in Microsoft Word. As a piece is played back, the software would only show the whole page when advanced in to it.

The painful process I used to work around this issue was:

  • Notion playback captured with Applian Replay Video Capture
  • Convert the WMF capture file to MP4, with Applian Replay Converter
  • Import the MP4 into Lightworks video editor
  • Export the MP4 file as a series of individual JPG files (thousands of files)
  • Copy the files which represent a single page in to a directory created for that page
  • In Photoshop create a series of transform macros, to correct the alignment issues
  • Import into Lightworks the page directories
  • Align the audio to the fixed-up pages in Lightworks
  • Export from Lightworks an MP4 file for upload to YouTube

Here is one sample of the final output: 

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

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0 votes
answered Jun 18, 2018 by wcreed (1,420 points)
Why not just use Continuous View?