Questions & Answers

MIXER: Please show peak meters on EVERY single mixing channel, and not only the Stereo Out!

+48 votes
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Mixing by michaelschtz1 (1,380 points)
In the MIXER: Please show peak meters on EVERY single (mixing) channel, and not only the Stereo Out!

4 Answers

–3 votes
answered Jun 21, 2018 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
selected Jun 25, 2018 by benpierce
Best answer

You should be able to have this just by putting a "level meter" fx in insert on the tracks you wan't and then expand them all. You'll see the numeric values (and even correlation if you enable it ) on each tracks where you putted it.

And it doesn't eat a lot of CPU at all.

Hope this will help,

Kind regards.
+4 votes
answered Sep 29, 2018 by michaelschtz1 (1,380 points)
It is not really a comfortable solution to put the level meter plugin on every channel! Cubase and other DAWs features the peak values in the mixer for years!!!
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2022 by nastasiapaone (420 points)
I found already 3 threads about that ...

And it is still missing in 2022.

May be someone needs to merge all the threads about that request so that Presonus realize how it is missing ?
0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2023 by alanmiller1 (1,150 points)

I cannot believe all these years and all these requests have gone ignored. No; simply adding the basic level meter to the chain is not the "alternative". It does not capture the post-fader value when at the top and looks ridiculous floating around various positions across channels in a project. Presonus, let's get a proper peak meter added to the top of each channel level meter.
