Questions & Answers

Why is always my DAW recordings played back only show up on channel 1 and 2 on the studio live mixer?

0 votes
asked Feb 23, 2016 in Studio One 3 by tageamu (200 points)
Is it normal that when i play back recordings from my DAW, it does not play back into mixer channel - but just back onto channel 1 and 2 of my studio live mixer?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 23, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
Yes. In order for other channels to show up you have to add them in your Audio I/O setup which is unique per audio track. Once you add the additional channels, then you can assign audio to your sub-outs and aux channels.

In Studio One with a song open, click on

Studio One Options (Ctrl + , on PC or Apple Key + , on Mac)

Then select Song Setup

Then select Audio I/O Setup

There you have two tabs, one for input and one for output.

Add additional mono or stereo pairs and name them how you see fit by double clicking on the names.

Look in the Studio One manual for Audio I/O Setup for more information.