Questions & Answers

Can I use the effects loop on my bass amp to hook up my studio channel unit for live use?

0 votes
asked Dec 7, 2015 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by gmckthom (150 points)
Can I use the effects loop on my bass amp to hook up my studio channel unit for live use?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2015 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
selected Dec 8, 2015 by matthewgorman
Best answer
Possible, yes, is there a better possibility, yes. The thing about inter connection is impedance, voltage, instrument/vocal...all play a part in the performance of the system, and ultimately the sound quality.

It's not like it can't be done, but unless you have the proper interface to "Properly" connect the devices, there WILL be sound degradation. You CAN hook up without damage, but only you can determine if the setup 'sound's right or not.

Low impedance instruments like guitars, don't sound right (in my opinion) plugged into the

line level input. The impedance of an input channel is upwards of 50K ohms.

Then you re-amplify the already imperfect signal.

Pay attention to input and output specs of the devices, and use interfaces for proper signal transfer and you might get that perfect  performance, or recording... otherwise, you will undoubtedly second guess your mix...