Questions & Answers

If a Series III Console and Rack Mixer are hooked to a SW5E, Can both be accessed from non AVB network with one cable?

0 votes
asked Jul 10, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by chriswoodhouse (390 points)
With the Console Mixer and Rack Mixer connected to the SW5E Switch, both in mixer  mode.  If I want to control both of them from my PC connected to a different non AVB switch, do I need to connect the control port from both of them to my non AVB switch, or will the control signals pass from one to the other over the AVB networ?

It seems like best practice to keep the AVB network independent of my main network as much as possible.  If I'm wrong about that, please let me know.  

Chris W

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
It is recommended to keep to AVB network separate. AVB certified switches prioritize AVB traffic to ensure no AVB data gets dropped. plugging into a different switch before the computer would compromise the AVB signal to the computer. You could plug in your SW5E to your computer and then plug in another router into the SW5E if you're lacking ethernet ports on your computer.
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2018 by chriswoodhouse (390 points)
I was thinking the mixers would be connected to the AVB switch using the AVB port and then one of the 2 mixers was connected to another network using the control port so only the control signals would be coming from a computer on that other network.  Could I then control both mixers or would the control port for both mixers need to be connected to the other network?