Questions & Answers

universal control "ha ocurrido un error inesperado en esta aplicacion o en uno de sus plugins"

0 votes
asked Aug 17, 2018 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by floresflores (200 points)
en el control de consola de UniversalControl al presionar el boton de Mix 1/2, o cualquiera de estos, tira mensaje de error "ha ocurrido un error inesperado en esta aplicacion o en uno de sus plugins, un detalle de error ha sido creado en: C: users ... appdata roaming presonus". El nombre del Archivo Es: Universal Control_2_8_0_48221_Win x86_20180817_133237985.dmp Reintale el controlador UC. actualice el Firmeware. El problema persiste. Estudio 192

English Translation:

in the console control of UniversalControl by pressing the Mix 1/2 button, or any of these, pulls error message "an unexpected error has occurred in this application or in one of its plugins, an error detail has been created in : C: users ... appdata roaming presonus ". The name of the file is: Universal Control_2_8_0_48221_Win x86_20180817_133237985.dmp Retain the UC driver. update the Firmware. The problem persists Studio 192

1 Answer

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answered Aug 31, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
It means that your system is out of date, please run Windows Update then you will be able to correctly install Universal Control to then be able to update your firmware on the Studio 192.