Questions & Answers

Impossible to use Universal Control over ethernet when I use Dante option card

0 votes
asked Nov 10, 2016 in Ai Mixers by xaviertribolet (290 points)
I connect my RML32AI Dante card to my computers (OSX and Windows 10) over ethernet. I can record with Dante Virtual Soundcard, but I cannot use Universal Control. It shows an RMl32 is connected with IP with the logo wifi, but I cannot access to the console. An error message says : Limited or no connectivity to : RML32AI. When I use AVB card, there isn't any problem. Any suggestion?

Thank you very much

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Maybe this document can help you. Have a look at chapter 2.2.

This is a quote from chapter 3: "Can Dante operate over a Wi-Fi network?
No. While possible in principle, the practical limitations of current wireless technology (802.11a/b/g/n) render reliable performance unachievable. For this reason Dante software such as Virtual Soundcard will not recognize wireless connections for audio data. Wireless access points for non-Dante traffic (device control, etc.) can be configured using managed switches."

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2016 by xaviertribolet (290 points)
Thank you very much for that document I didn't know. So I think I've got a problem, because Universal Control cannot access to the RML32AI over ethernet (plugged into Dante interface), and I guess it's possible. I suppose everybody can use Universal Control with a Dante Interface (with the same ethernet connection), is it right?
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answered Nov 10, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

I can not really help with questions about Dante, but I wanted you show you that there are some resources around. AVB can also transport control information, but as far as I know Dante is audio only. So I guess you have to use the dongle for control.

There is a Dante area in the forum (Live Sound,, which probably will be helpful for you. Especially this thread looks like if it could give you some ideas. Feel free to ask questions in the forum. There are helpful people around, who do not necessarily look in the "Answers" department. Last not least there is the Knowledge Base with a few articles:

0 votes
answered Nov 10, 2016 by xaviertribolet (290 points)
Thank you very much. I read wifi dongle is unusable when Dante card is connected, and I think ethernet cable transmits audio and control... AVB is great, but recording isn't available yet in this product.
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2018 by eduardogonzalez6 (340 points)
Hi, I use Dante with my RML32ai rack mixer and I can indeed open UC Surface in one of my laptop without any problem. I hope you already figure this out if not let me know.