Questions & Answers

Ability to include an aux mix in the main mix

+3 votes
asked Aug 26, 2018 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by pauldiem (1,970 points)

I'd like to see the ability to route an aux mix to the main bus.

We have several pairs of mics for various groups (Choir, Orchestra, Shotguns, Congregation). We need to be able to set the level of each of these separately but we'd also like to be able to have a fader to set the level of the pre-fader mix of all these inputs. This is an aux mix that gets sent to the main bus. This request also relates to - converting to analog, loop the aux output back into a line input and convert back to digital isn't a very good answer. Is it possible to send the aux mix over AVB to another AVB device and have that device route it right back but this requires another AVB device and introduces a 2ms delay.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 28, 2018 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer
If its all "pairs of mics", why not just link each pair of channels together? The gain is still separate for each mic but otherwise, they would follow each other and get sent to the Main Mix. It doesn't need to be an aux mix if it's not going to a different output than the Main. If you want to mix them all together, you can use a DCA or subgroup.