Questions & Answers

Keep Crowd Mics From being available in the Main Mix; Only in Aux Mixes

0 votes
asked Jun 22, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by jeffreyengland (320 points)
Setting up a StudioLive 32S for my church. It is common for non-sound savvy folks to use the board on special occasions - usually to amp a few cordless mics. I would like to set up the Crowd Microphones to NOT be available channels in the Main Mix (for obvious reasons); but I still need to assign them so they can be mixed into the AUX and Matrix feeds. What would be the best way to do this? Thank you for your time.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Jun 26, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
Owner's Manual, Section 6.11.2: "When an input channel is selected, you can use these buttons to assign it to an output path. Press Main to send the selected channel output to the Main bus."

What you want is exactly the opposite of this. Simply deselect "Main" on the input channels of ambience microphones.