Questions & Answers

Can I plug a set of Studio Monitors into my USB Audiobox 96 Interface or into my laptop?

0 votes
asked Sep 7, 2018 in Studio One 4 by hannahmariotti (210 points)
Hello, I'm recording an album using Studio One and I'm interested in purchasing a pair of studio monitors ASAP. Could you possibly suggest to me any affordable high quality monitors for recording music and working with Studio One? I was thinking a Presonus brand would be best...

My main question is, once I acquire them, do I plug them into the USB Audiobox 96 or into my laptop?

Thank you.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2018 by czarthp81 (1,360 points)

Monitors would connect to the main outs on the back of the USB Audiobox 96. 

As far as monitors the Presonus Eris series have good reviews but I have not personally used them. I own a pair of Sceptre S6 and I've been very happy with those. Other monitor brands I like are Adam, Dyn audio, Focal. 

0 votes
answered Oct 30, 2018 by jasonkarlaile (140 points)
Audio Box USB 96 is bus powered, which means it is powered solely by your computer. That means all you have to do is connect the Audio Box to your computer with a USB cable and then turn the computer on. Make sure to plug in your interface before powering on your computer. Since two three weeks I was facing quite same issue I had taken lot of help and it worked hope my solution will work for you