Questions & Answers

MS-XY matrix

+1 vote
asked Sep 26, 2018 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by wardweis (560 points)
edited Sep 27, 2018 by wardweis
i just recieved my STUDIO 192 26/62 unit and it sounds great !
i work mainly for classical recording and use mostly stereo mic setups
i use also MS ( mid-side ) mic's ... do you think a MS-XY matrix could become part of a future firmware upgrade ( other brands have this option MOTU, RME, ... )

thanks ,



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 18, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,320 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Mar 11 by wardweis (560 points)

6 years later ...
still no real stereo implementation by PRESONUS
- no real stereo linking
- no MS-XY matrix ( balance & with-control )
i can recommend the PRESONUS development people to read some basic theory about Stereo Miking Techniques ( eg. Modern recoding technics by David Miles Huber, Robert Runstein ) and learn what is needed for "coincident-pair technique" pro setup's ...

