Questions & Answers

Colors used in Studio One Prof.

+15 votes
asked Sep 24, 2018 in Look and Feel by patwalker (370 points)
I like so much my Studio One Prof. But I do not like at all the colors that are proposed for the tracks. Nearly all of them look very bad, and the appearance of my songs look very sad...

Why wouldn't you offer to choose any colour instead of proposing only these bad ones?

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Sep 26, 2018 by gg52 (8,650 points)
Totally agree on this. Atm Logic X is visually far ahead and more easy on the eye. Customizable automatic colors would make S1 much more pro looking.

Actually a complete GUi overhaul would be much appreciated. You can easily tell Logic and Pro Tools are way ahead when it comes to visuall ergonomics. S1 looks very old fashioned and PC-like (not so much time spent on GUI and human-computer-integration at Presonus?).