Questions & Answers

Can't hear audio from ********* UMC404HD in StudioLive 24.4.2

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asked Sep 24, 2018 in Studio One 4 by kevinswanner (180 points)
Setup: StudioLive 24.4.2AI, ********* UMC404HD, MacBook Pro High Sierra, M-Audio 88, Studio One 4.

I am new to recording with StudioLive 24.4.2AI, and using an interface with it. I have been able to record guitars and vocals through SL and SO4. Also, I have been able to record MIDI through the UMC404HD, without the SL.

I now want to connect the M-Audio 88 to the UMC404HD to record MIDI. The UMC is connected and functioning through Studio One. However, there is no audio going to the SL. I tried connecting two cables (L/R) from the UMC to the SL (23/24), but still no sound. I checked the level knobs on the UMC, but there is nothing going out to the SL.

I need to be able to hear the audio from the keyboard. How can I hook this up to the SL?