Questions & Answers

Noobie learning curve - how to remix... where to find info on how to do this

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asked Oct 30, 2018 in Studio One 4 by tomcarmichael (120 points)

Probably not even in posting in the right place but here goes...

I just installed Presonus Studio One 4 (10-17-18) and have a bunch of band tracks that were recorded by someone else in Studio One they sent to me. Installed Studio One yesterday and was able to play a song and could pan and adjust volume on one track so I know it works. And that’s it (I am technical but no experience with this software).

My goal is to learn how to do a basic remix of these existing songs. Where is a good source to learn how to do this below

1) Add effects to an individual track (like reverb on vocals)

2) Add an effect to all tracks at the same time (like compression on 16 tracks)

3) Can you automate fader movements (one track has two vocals and sax at different times so no overlap but each at different volumes)

4) Can you pitch correct on selected segments (flute or vocals) on the same track

5) Add Exciter effects to put more sizzle on the drums

