Questions & Answers

Buzz/white noise on two channels, StudioLive 16.0.2

0 votes
asked Nov 21, 2018 in Classic Mixers by therobintheatre (190 points)

Two channels on my 2014 Presonus 16.0.2 mixer have developed a buzz/white noise. It started with one channel about a year ago, and the same problem just started happening with another channel. The signal from a microphone plugged into one of these channels is much diminished, but slightly audible. When turned all the way down, the input meter still reads about 20% on each channel. Have the pre-amps on these channels gone bad? How can I fix this? Thanks!

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2020 by enriqueperibanez (140 points)
Hello. I may not answer but Im curious about what finally have you found was creating the problem.

Im about to buy a 16.0.2 having exactly same symptoms in oine of the input channels.

Thaks ina dvance for your help.

0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2020 by therobintheatre (190 points)
To enriqueperibanez: It seems that there is indeed an issue with the preamps. The options were to send the mixer to PreSonus for repair, (and pay shipping/handling/parts, not cheap) or figure something else out. I ended up finding another mixer, and keeping both. I no longer use the old one in live settings, but do some home recording with it. Hope that helps!
0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2021 by jerrykrinock (140 points)

This is a known issue.  See here.
