Questions & Answers

Why is midi program change not showing?

0 votes
asked Nov 25, 2018 in Studio One 4 by angelalbertoramirez (120 points)
I use Presonus Studio One on both my laptop and PC, but the midi program change feature does not show on the instrument tracks when i use Studio One on my laptop, but it does show on my PC. I am using the same song, same interface, same device, but i dontknow why t does not show on my laptop

1 Answer

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answered Nov 25, 2018 by Nip (3,260 points)
Not sure about reason - but open midi monitor by clicking on the midi din-connector symbol down on the very left.
It will let you see what goes in  or out as you set filtering options.

These filter option are only for that monitor purpose.
There might be settings on the setup of midi devices that filter program change .
But good start is to see what is there.