Questions & Answers

How do I transfer my Studio One License to a new computer?

+1 vote
asked Jan 21, 2019 in MyPreSonus Questions by (160 points)
I’m upgrading my current laptop and I was wondering if it is possible to transfer my copy of studio 3 to the new computer and if so how would I do this?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 31, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

Log in to your account.

  1. Click on My Products
  2. Click on Software
  3. Click where it says "View More Details" for your Studio One License
  4. There will be a blue button that says "Manage # of 5 Activations - Manage Activations" where  # is the number of activations you have in use. 
  5. A new menu will pop up - select Remove for the Activation from your old system and click Close.
  6. Now download the installer for your new system
  7. Re-activate using your account credentials
  8. System will authorize and use the open slot or one of the open slots if your 5 activation license. 

+2 votes
answered Jan 22, 2019 by marcaquino (740 points)
You have 5 licenses, once u have use all 5 you will have to release all 5 or which ever you want in order to be able to use it on a new system.