Questions & Answers

How does Earmix 16m work with a 32 channel board, are the channels assignable or do they simply cover the first 16?

0 votes
asked Feb 5, 2019 in EarMix 16M by micahhandy (190 points)
How does Earmix 16m work with a 32 channel board, are the channels assignable or do they simply cover the first 16? I know Allan and Heath has a personal monitor mixer that  has a 40 channel input and the 16 selectable channels can be programed to correspond to any of the 40 input channels, does the earmix however simply default to the first 16 channels on my board?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 27, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
In this case you would simply create sub mixes in Aux and work it that way around. Review the video posted along with this digital AVB sends to get a better understanding.

AVB Sends 1-8 = Channels 1-8

AVB Sends 9-16 = Channels 9-16

AVB Sends 17-24 = Channels 17-24

AVB Sends 25-32 = Channels 25-32

AVB Sends 33-40 = Aux input 1L, 2R, 3L, 4R, Tape In L, Tape In R, Main L, Main R

AVB Sends 41-48 = Mix 1 through to 8

AVB Sends 49-56 = Mix 9 through to 16
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2019 by robgrigg (550 points)

Hi, they are assignable in banks of 8 channels (as is all AVB). Its pretty flexible, especially as you can assign flex mixes.

Have a look at this video.

